Mexico Mission Trip {People}

Let us introduce you to some of our friends from the trip...

Most of our crew from Lincoln, MN except Brian and Elijah Sams
                    Pastor Tomas and Pastor Jim                       Pastor Tomas' birthday                      

Pastor Tomas, a dear brother, started the mission and the Tarahumara ministry. We celebrated his 60th birthday while there...he is still going strong and 100% committed to this ministry! Pastor Tomas even remembered meeting us in Minnesota and was overjoyed that we actually came to Mexico. He made all of us feel so welcome.
Pastor Jim from Montana has been going to Mexico on mission for years and headed up this mission trip. We enjoyed leading worship music with him.

We also met Pastor Fransisco who pastors the little church in Rio Chico. (Unfortunately, we do not have a good picture of him.)

Johnny and Brenda

 Brenda Granados is basically Pastor Tomas's right hand woman and a primary admistrator for the mission. She and Pastor Tomas have worked together for many years. She also interpreted a lot for Pastor Tomas.

Johnny is from El Paso and traveled with our group to Rio Chico. He works with Pastor Tomas and often helps with mission groups. He also interpreted for us at the church services. (He is the one who lost his backpack and passport in the truck's fire.)

Sofia, Irene, and Vicky

Sofia, Irene, and Vicky worked in the kitchen, cooking meals for us. We made friends with the kitchen staff, despite our Spanish-English speaking barrier. They were so much fun!

Irene cooking with Vicky and Sofia in the background

Some of the Mexican missionaries in Rio Chico--
Irene and her husband Alejandro with Sofia who is holding their son Joab

Nano, Pastor Tomas's younger brother, with us

Everyone loved Nano. He always greeted each of us warmly every morning, with "Good Morning, sister!" and he always made sure we had everything we needed, especially flashlights so we wouldn't fall in the dark.

Willie and Monce
Willie is the head contruction guy for the mission. Willie and his wife, Denise, had a calling from God to sell their home in Pennsylvania and move to Rio Chico. Please pray for their family-- they face challenges and loneliness and are currently having immigration troubles.

Monce's life is a miracle. He used to be part of the drug cartel, but left to marry the Pastor's daugther in Rio Chico and changed his life. As you can imagine, leaving the cartel was a life-threatening decision. Now he drives the bus around from village to village picking up people for church services. He even stops by the homes of drug dealers he knew and always invites them, in hope that one day they will find what he found. Monce also has a little store in his home where we went to buy pop and treats.

Sandra with the children

Sandra is responsible for the Tarahumara boarding school in the Copper Canyon and teaches the children down there. She has quite a difficult task. There are a few other adults who help her.

Our whole mission group of 42!

In our group, there were people from MN, MT, OH, and WY. We were like one big family by the end of the trip. It was great. (Our friends, Brian and Heather, the couple in the front row, 3rd and 4th from the right were like our parents for the trip.)

Pastor Jim repeatedly told us that our trip was more about relationship, working together, and showing the people that we loved them, than physically accomplishing a lot. Whether friends with our Mexican or American brothers and sisters, we had a great time together and cultivated some great friendships during our trip that we hope to build in future years.

Bearing all this in mind, please pray for our brothers and sisters in Mexico!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Brenda was on our trip, too, and us two girls that were with did all the cooking with her for our group of 16!
